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Wo Ye Bra Program

Claude Kendrick opened the meeting with the “Pledge of Allegiance,” and an Invocation by Bob Carris. Thirteen members attended the meeting in person, four by Zoom, and three of the attendees were students of the Churchill High School Interact Club, Emily Davis, Allison Pritula, Co-chairs of the club, and the Treasurer, Shana Talmon. They were enthusiastically welcomed. These students also attended the annual Installation Picnic at Tammy Bonifield’s cottage in the Irish Hills and met the new District Governor, Nick Krayacich. It is heartwarming to see the Interact Club so engaged. 

Announcements: The summer schedule is very busy with many opportunities to help out, have fun, and make new friends. Please see the calendar of events posted on the web site and newsletter. 

Rotary Park Clean Up: Saturday June 22, 2024 from 9:00 to 2:00 pm at the Rotary Park, Six Mile Road in Livonia. This park is where the tornado that passed through Livonia touched down, uprooting more than 50 trees and ripping the roofs off two picnic shelters. Bring rakes, shovels and gloves. Susan Paluchniak is organizing a pizza lunch on site at noon sponsored by Schoolcraft College through our member Dawn Margaretta. This event is being organized by both the AM and Noon Livonia Rotary Clubs and several members are joining the service project from the Plymouth, Canton, Northville, and Dearborn Heights Clubs. 

Meet the Governor: June 25, 2024. For 71 years, District 6400 has held a “Meet the Governor” gathering on the last Tuesday in June. This year, the Harrow Rotary Club of Canada is hosting the event. The incoming governor is Nick Krayacich of the LaSalle Centennial Rotary Club. The event will be at the Coachwood Golf and Country Club in Amherst. Tammy Bonifield is attending and encourages anyone willing to attend to contact her.  

Special Guest: Dr. Adrienne Booth Johnson, member of the Rotary Club of Detroit and founder of the “Wo Ye Bra” program in Greater Accra, Ghana, West Africa. Reverend Johnson started her presentation by thanking the Detroit Rotary Club for their support. She pointed out that she has been going to Africa for more than 20 years. Her program has been in Ghana for 7 years. The focus of the program is to empower women economically and socially by teaching them viable skills to become financially independent. Their program has helped 325 women start businesses in those years. Some are making jewelry, purses, and other products.

Currently the “Wo Ye Bra Project,” teaches women to fabricate reusable sanitary pads to eliminate girls from missing school or work. She purchases sewing machines through a supplier in Africa. She has a team working in Ghana to run the program and provide instructional classes. Referrals are made through churches. Ghana is a democracy with 34 million people. Fifty percent of the population are women who earn a daily wage of $2.07. Half of the women population are under 25 years old. Life expectancy in Ghana is 69 years. Lifting women out of poverty is critical for the country. Women are still sold or traded in that country. 

Dr. Johnson gave each of the three Interact students attending the meeting a colorful purse made in Ghana. She laughingly told the group that something had told her to bring three purses, and now she knew why.

If you want to support the project, you can email or call at, (404) 769-3457,    


Nancy Darga


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