How We Touch Other Lives in What We Do.
Club President Claude Kendrick opened the meeting with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Fourteen attended in person, three on Zoom. Special guests were Ginger B Wiechers, our presenter from Source of Universal Love (SOUL), and Russell Bisinger, a supporter.
The invocation was done by Mike Ladwig, who gave thanks for the divinity source for universal love. Happy Bucks was collected by Sharon Pommerville, the Sargent of Arms, now that she is recuperating from her shoulder surgery. She received applause for getting “Back in the Saddle Again.”
Mike Ladwig reminded members that the Female Products Drive for high school kids is coming to an end, and to please get donations to the senior center by next week.
Raffle tickets for the Westland Rotary Club Fund Raiser were offered for $20.00. The prize is a private box at the June 22, 2024, Tiger Baseball game. Claude has the tickets for those wanting one.
Volunteers are needed at the Passport to Safety event on June 8, 2024, 10:00 – 2:00 PM. There will be 10 safety stations featured at the Livonia Police & Fire Stations at the Livonia Civic Center. Find event information HERE. Volunteer and enjoy the children learning to be safe. Volunteer signup information is HERE.
Thank you letters were received from Janice Newsome Memorial Scholarship awardees Hannah Woods and Ava Bell. Their letters were read out loud, and their thoughtful comments meant a lot to the members. A thank you letter was also received from Shelter Box USA (A Rotary International’s Project Partner) for the club donation of $6,000 to their Shelter Box Project. As a result, the club was awarded a “Hero Award.” Our Club is now listed at
The Livonia Symphony Orchestra also sent a heartfelt thank you letter for the club’s continued support. Victoria Haltom, Susan Paluchniak, Larry Stephens, and Claude Kendrick reported on the concert they attended and remarked on how enjoyable it was. They encouraged all to attend.
Career Day at Clarenceville was a success. Reverend Dave participated as one of the career vendors featuring religious service. He stated that the event was well-organized and impactful for the students.
The Livonia Noon Club Wine Pull event was attended by Claude and Reverend Dave. There was a fun-filled description of the event, the raffle tickets, and the wine that each of the members who went won.
The Livonia AM Rotary Carnival event was approved by the Livonia City Council. Applause was heard from the news.
The Braille Enhanced Story Walk follow-up: Sharon Pommerville reported on her follow up efforts on the vandalism of stanchions along the walk behind the library. She reminded the club that LAMR installed the braille enhanced “Story Walk,” in 2018 within the Nature Nook Area behind the library. The project was a group project with Michael Sas, an Eagle Scout and Seedling Braille Books for Children.
The project was championed by the past club president, Jeff Adams. Karen Smith, a librarian, informed Sharon that the stanchions were damaged last October, and they have not been able to post a story since then. The city is looking into installing video security cameras in the area. Prices are being solicited for their replacement.
SOUL was the featured service organization presented at the meeting. Ginger B Wiechers, the founder explained that SOUL stands for “Source of Universal Love.”
The 501(c) (3) has operated for 20 years. They have a resource center at 23030 Mooney St., Suite A, Farmington, MI 48332. They do estate sales as part of their funding method. They are also on Amazon Wish List. They provide help to those in need with furniture, connections to rides to work, food, education, and counseling. SOUL gets referrals through several churches. They also provide help to pets of their clients.
Ginger gave an example of one of the individuals they are assisting. This young man was referred to them after his Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. His father is already deceased, and the teenage boy is struggling to run the house and pay medical bills. They are supporting him both with counseling and physical assistance. Ginger pointed out that they are oftentimes helping families deal with the end of life of a loved one.
She asked us, “Do you have your life in order?" Have you documented your intentions for those you are leaving? Do you live today as if it is at the end of life?” She suggested we listen to Mathew West song “What If.” Russell Bisinger testified on how helpful the organization is to families and individuals that hit an unforeseen setback. They currently help around 1000 to 1200 families. They are always in need of toilet paper, diapers, laundry soap, small appliances. More information is available at their website or call (248)957-6078.
Nancy Darga