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Good Old-Fashioned Neighborhood Corn Roast

We welcomed the last weekend of summer in Livonia with an event we affectionately refer to as The Good Old Fashion Corn Roast. Led by Bill Joyner and his crew (himself and the Bodyguard), with over 30 Livonia service clubs in attendance, we had us a party.

The Clarenceville HS young men’s basketball team was out early shucking the corn, The Livonia Lions Club cooked it, and it was served in one-hour shifts by local elected officials. Your Livonia AM Rotary Club held the gateway spot with our newly minted Rotary canopy, passing out the water.

Club members Mike Ladwig and Pat Zucal arrived early to set up, Bob Carris brought the water and ice, and Susan Landmesser joined us as did Rev. Dave Stechholz.

As the residents mingled, ate corn met with our different Livonia service clubs, heard live music from local musician Robert Johnson, and the Livonia Civic Chorus you could feel the community spirit become enhanced as the bonds between fellow Livoniaites were strengthened. Mike Ladwig


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