This week our Rotary club visited the new Health Sciences Center at Schoolcraft College. We were joined on our tour of the facility by Chris Kelly, President of the Plymouth AM Rotary club, City of Northville Mayor Brian Turnbull, and Barry Burnham, President of the Canton Rotary Club. The tour was arranged by club member Dawn Magretta and was conducted by Associate Dean of Schoolcraft College David Kessler, and the school’s Facilities Manager Jerry Piasentin.
This amazing facility will train future healthcare Heroes, including; Nurses, Ultrasound Technicians, Respiratory Therapists, Pharmacy Techs, EMT Techs, and more.
As we toured the newly constructed building that will train these future healthcare providers through hands-on training, including a mock pharmacy and operating room, I felt like I was walking out of the 21st-century college campus and walking on to the medical facilities of Star Trek circa 24th century. It was an impressive, and a truly illuminating tour.