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Club Meeting - Mayor Maureen Brosnan

We had the honor and privilege to host our Mayor, and fellow Livonia AM Rotarian, Maureen Brosnan, as our guest speaker.

Maureen spoke of her experience campaigning for the position of Mayor. While knocking on residents’ doors, there were four overriding issues that kept being requested from those she spoke to :

  1. Keep Livonia safe.

  2. Take care of the kids.

  3. Fix the roads.

  4. Make Livonia a place their kids want to live in when they grow up and start their own families.

There was a shortage of firemen and police officers when the mayor took office. That shortage has been eliminated, which should make us all safer.

There was a shortage of firemen and police officers when the mayor took office. That shortage has been eliminated, which should make us all safer.

There are many programs at our parks, in our schools, and at the Rec Center designed for children. We have a world-class library offering many programs for our youth. We have many houses of worship to address the spiritual needs of our families.

Working with Wayne County and receiving infrastructure funds from the Federal government, we may finally “fix the damn roads”.

What will bring our children back to Livonia when they start a family are affordable housing and good schools.

Maureen brought up the recent discussion about the Noble Library. Because of its current condition, it may not be economically feasible to return the building to a functioning library. The city is still reviewing options for that property.

The Mayor also mentioned the 28 boards run that have unpaid volunteers that counsel her. She also gave praise to all of the service clubs that give their time, energy, and riches that help make Livonia a wonderful place to live and work.

Mike Ladwig


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