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Club Meeting

This past week we heard from Laura Reiners, the Community Relations representative of Growth Works out of Plymouth Michigan. Laura explained Growth Works' mission is to restore hope, embrace change and improve lives for most children who suffer from alcohol and substance abuse dependency.

They also work with the juvenile justice system to help kids get rehabilitation instead of punishment through the court system. They stress early intervention for these problems.

A unique program they have is “Peer Recovery” where a substance abuse client can be assigned to a paid Growth Works “Recover Coach.” The Coach, who has obtained a minimum of two years of sobriety, helps the new member through regular communication to receive and implement the necessary tools to achieve and maintain good, healthy sobriety.

Growth work also works in the area of suicide prevention for young men and women. They work in conjunction with schools and other social service outlets to identify at-risk youths so they may intercede and counsel the troubled youths.

Growth Works serves Western Wayne County with over 70 trained professionals. If you think you know a youngster that may need their services, an early phone call would be advisable. That phone call could correct the course of a life, or actually, save it.


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