President Claude Kendrick opened the meeting with his usual enormous
smile leading us into the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Invocation was given by Bob Carris, who talked about the "Blessings of Giving.” It was pointed out that the LAMR received another check in support of the “Cooler Project.” We are over our goal.
Happy Bucks was full of laughter as folks shared their personal experiences. Dave Burton challenged the group to identify who had said the famous quote, “Make a living by what you get. Make a life by what you give.” No one knew that it was from Winston Churchill. Claude shared a personal moving experience of helping a young woman move into “Hanna’s House,” a faith-based housing for women. This young woman had aged out of the foster care service and was on her own. When she entered the room set up for her at Hanna’s House, she was moved to tears, saying she had never had her own room. Claude shared that her emotional reaction made him see that he did not realize how blessed his life had been, wanting nothing growing up.
Soccer Camp: Dave Burton, as in the past, is starting up his soccer camp at the Methodist Children Home Society, a foster care facility for boys in Redford, Michigan. The camp will run every Tuesday night in August. Dave proposed that Tuesday, August 27, 2024, will be the group game with staff and the cookout sponsored by Livonia AM Rotary. The set up will be at 5:00 pm. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Dave’s son, who usually helps out is not available this year and Dave is looking for an adult to help him with the boys, you do not need to know soccer.
New Member: Russell Bisinger, a former Rotary member of the Livonia afternoon club, was nominated for membership by Reverend Dave Stechholz. Russell has attended
the required three meetings and seems to be interested in being active in the club. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
The 2024 LAMR Carnival is underway at the Seven Mile site. The operation is going smoothly, as usual. We are fortunate to be able to use the Sears site once again. Nancy Darga suggested featuring pictures of the carnival. It was suggested to take night pictures showing the bright lights. Close-up pictures of kids having fun are preferred.
Golf Outings: The topic of how or should members’ participation be financially supported by the Rotary AM Club was discussed. Many non-profits have golf outings as fundraisers. Currently, members have to pay to participate. Should some of the cost be covered? It was recommended that this topic be discussed in full by the Giving Committee.
Look at the District 6400 newsletter; Claude Kendrick, our president, has included a letter of appreciation. Great job, Claude.
2024 Annual Installation Dinner and Celebration at the Lake. There will be an Open House, and ALL Members, Friends, and Families are encouraged to come out to the lake! Our get-together begins at 1:00 PM, the program starts at 5:00 PM, and dinner will be immediately following the program. For our newer members, the program consists primarily of thanking our outgoing President (Claude Kendrick) and the Board and swearing in our incoming President (Rev. David Stechholz) and the new Board. Hope everyone can make it.
By NDarga
