New Year, New Outlook
Mike Ladwig gave the invocation. He stated that he would like to get back to basic civility and dedication to serve others be the focus in 2024.
Tammy Bonifield the past President, chaired the meeting as Claude Kendrick, the current president, was stuck in a traffic jam. Shortly after the meeting started Claude arrived to cheers from the group.
Treasury Report: Tammy Bonifield stated that the club was in a good financial position. She will bring in updated accounting reports at the next meeting.
Fund Raising: Nancy Darga asked what the status was of the carnival for 2024 in that it is the largest revenue generator for the club. Bob Caris reported that he talked to Clarenceville School District about using their parking lot for the carnival. He also talked to Burton Manor on the I96 service drive. It was suggested that the club talk to Dave Varga who has a meeting with Shostak to see if we can use Sears one more time. Pat Zucal offered to speak with Sears. It was pointed out that the club needed a more permanent home for the Carnival. The Clarenceville School complex was voted the best site of the three being considered. A generous donation could be given to the school for hosting the carnival. Bob and Pat would follow through with negotiations.
Giving Committee: Bill Friske reported that the following organizations applied for grants from the Livonia Rotary AM Club:
Clarenceville School $1,400 for a 3D printer in their stem lab.
Livonia Ballet, $500 for a scholarship. They will be asked to speak to the club in April.
Divine Mercy Academy, $1,000 for science supplies for special needs children. They will be asked to speak to the club in February.
Reverend Dave Stechholz motioned to approve the recommended grant awards, Nancy Darga seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
The Livonia Allstar Hockey Game
is fast approaching on January 28, 2024. Claude will set up a SignUp Genius. It was agreed the club would volunteer at the event.
Rotary International has decided to eliminate separate "themes" in two years. They are going to have single branding. Separate themes and logos have proven to be confusing. Rotary magazine is distributed to 55 countries. A single branding campaign will provide a unified voice.
The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) will combine youths from district 6400 plus 6480. The camp is scheduled for April 19-21st. The theme will be “Imagine the Future.”
Tammy asked for ideas for a meeting at the Seedlings Event in May. Greg Greene asked if the Rotary Livonia AM Club would like to “Adopt a Road.” This involves doing a cleanup four to five times a year on a section of road. A cleanup day could take four to five hours given how many volunteers show up. It was pointed out that such a commitment would take a lot of time and physical challenges. Tammy would like the club to consider a “Service Day.” The annual Rouge River Clean Up Day was mentioned. Nancy Darga will contact the Friends of the Rouge to see if a Livonia site is sponsored.
Reverend Dave wants the club to focus on enrolling new members with whatever service project is adopted.
Nancy Darga
