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Club Assembly

We learned that fellow Rotarian, Dr. Stanley Ngeyi, passed away last week. When a memorial service is announced, we will share that information with the club. Dr. Stanley will be missed.

Giving Committee – Larry Stephens informed us that two Grants were approved for;

  • AAA Pregnancy Resource Center, for the purchase of car seats.

  • VT Seva, to support visually challenged students in India.

There were two grant requests that were paused pending our request for more information or a future presentation to the club. They are Bottoms Up Diaper Bank Grosse Ile, and MOST ministries.

Treasurer’s Report - Bob Carris informed us that the Interact club approved donations to Shelter Box, Wayne County Horse Patrol, VT Seva, and Syria & Turkey earthquake relief.

We were reminded that we need a few more volunteers for the Forgotten Harvest event on March 25. Hopefully, We will have some Interact students join us.

President-Elect Claude Kendrick represented our club at the Fire and Ice fundraiser at Schoolcraft college. He said the food was excellent, and rumor has it that due to the vast quantity of food and the large array of desserts, when arriving home, Claude had to drill another hole in his belt.

Mike Ladwig


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