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Club Assembly

Last week we held our Club Assembly. The following items were discussed:

Treasurer's Report: Bob Carris informed the club that Touch a Truck was financially successful with the generous profits going to fund the goals of the Churchill HS Interact Club. Bob also mentioned that our club’s coffers are full and prepared to fund our grant needs for the year.

Giving Committee: Larry Stephens told us two grant requests were approved last month; Livonia Kids and Families, and the Stuckey Center Day Treatment Program. Both grant requests were approved by the Giving Committee, the Board of Directors, and the general membership.

We discussed two upcoming club-sponsored events:

  • The KCAH meal packing event at St. Edith’s’ is on October 15, 2022. We need a few more Rotarians to sign up if we are to have a full Rotary assembly line. A reminder, we start work at 9:00 AM, and we should arrive at 8:30 AM to sign in.

  • World Polio Day Community Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Polio eradication is Saturday, October 15, 2022. So far, we have 13 club members signed up to work on this event.

A few non-sponsored events were brought to our attention for anyone who wants to partake:

  • Christmas gift Wrapping at the Methodist Children’s Home Society, December 12th, 13th, and 14th, anywhere from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Please Contact Carrie Ann Piechocki at MCHS to volunteer, at

  • The MCHS Star Light, Star Bright Gala will be held at the Detroit Yacht Club and will benefit MCHS’s children and families. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2022. Event Information.

  • There is another Build-a-Bed delivery day scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 2022. Contact Wendell at (734)516-8780 if you are interested in helping.

PE Claude Kendrick will be attending the annual President-Elect Training Seminar in Kalamazoo, from March 11 - March 13, 2023.

Our club needs a Grant writer, if interested, please contact Tammy Bonifield.

Mike Ladwig


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