The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Reverend Dave Stechholz. Followed by the club singing “Heart of My Heart,’ in honor of Pat Zucal’s father, a lifelong Rotarian. Pat had reported at the previous meeting during a “Member Spotlight” that his father loved to sing, and when he was young, his father took him to Rotary functions where they sang. Mike Ladwig shared a motivational reading from the spiritual teacher Baba Ram Dass. ” Whether this is the 1st day of the Apocalyptic or the 1st day of the ”Golden Age,” the work remains the same. To love ourselves, to love each other, and ease as much suffering as possible.”
Happy Bucks: It was pointed out by Tammy Bonifield that she finally was able to deposit our Happy Bucks contributions for 2024 and it amounted to over $500. She stated that our simple dollar donations do add up and are vital in covering the club’s expenses.
Special Guest: Many members extended their warm welcome to Tom Martin, who was visiting the club for the second time and considering joining the club. Tom was a former member of Rotary, and many members feel he will be a great asset.
Special Invitations: Victoria Haltom informed the club that the Westland Rotary Club extended an invitation to participate in their “Trivia Night” on Friday, February 28, 2025, at Joy Manor in Livonia. They are asking for eight people to fill a table. The cost per person is $20.00 and eight people from the club indicated they would like to attend. Event Details HERE.
The Wayne Rotary also extended an invitation to their “Dueling Pianos,” event on March 1, 2025 @ 6:00 the cost is $50.00 per person. Victoria was going to get more information for next week’s meeting. Event Details HERE.
Guest Speaker: Kristen Edson, Director of the Livonia Library System, opened her presentation by explaining that 2024 had many new efforts starting with developing a Strategic Plan named “Destination 2028.” Based on a city-wide survey, the plan outlines the following goals.
a. Make digital upgrades to services and access to materials.
b. Generate sustainable operations.
c. Develop a community gathering space.
d. Attract community engagement.
Kristen reported that there are over 23,000 card holders and invited the club members to sign up for a library card. Livonia is part of a 60-library network that participates in loaning books, etc.
The budget for improving the collections has increased by 8%. It was brought up that our Rotary Club built a “Story Book Walk“ behind the library and has concerns about it’s future. Kristen informed the group that the Library Board would not touch the walk until exterior work commences on the library grounds, and she will keep the club informed. The Board wants to increase the number of “Story Book Walks” to at least three locations in parks to engage the community more. She is working with Ted Davis, Director of Parks and Recreation, to select the parks.
Nancy Darga
