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Installation Picnic, Success!

We held our Rotary Installation Day at Tammy and Brad’s cottage located in the Irish Hills area. The weather was as cooperative as the spirit that permeated during our event. District Governor Traci Sincock was on hand and joined club members Bill Friske (and Rose), Bob Carris (and Teri), Dave Stechholz (and Janet), Bill Fried, Sharon Pommerville, Greg Greene, John Clay, as well as outgoing president, Mike Ladwig, incoming president Tammy Bonifield, and future president Claude Kendrick.

After many leisurely hours of lively conversation, we brought the business end of the meeting to order. District Governor Sincock spoke of our club’s success over the past year culminating with our club being honored with The Hedke Award for Club Administration at the District Conference this year on Mackinaw Island. She then presented Tammy with the five Sapphire Paul Harris recognition for her generous donations to Rotary international. Mike and Tammy welcomed new cub members John Clay and Susan Landmesser (who was unable to attend). We also officially welcomed "new to us" members Dave Stechholz and Bill Fried. Mike Ladwig was given a plaque to display his president’s gavel. The club board of directors was acknowledged as we all welcomed our new president, Tammy. Mike presented the award for “Rotarian of the Year” to this year’s recipient Claude Kendrick, a most worthy recipient. The meeting came to an end as we feasted on a meal of pulled pork and many tasty treats that club members shared . A fun time was had by all as the Livonia AM Rotary switched gears from men and women of work to men and women of play. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm with a gentle breeze, the comradery amongst members was amazing, and the installation ceremony paid homage to the great year our club had in 2021-22 and was a precursor to the exciting year we have to look forward to.


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