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Divine Mercy Academy

The meeting was opened by President Claude; following the Pledge of Allegiance, an Invocation was given by Bob Carris. Since upcoming events were carefully reviewed, there was no collection of Happy Bucks. Our Club is willing to take the leadership for the Fall KCAH (Kids Coalition Against Hunger), with Tammy Bonifield heading it up and several volunteering for the KCAH Committee. We will reach out for help, as well.

Divine Mercy Academy (DMA) - Filling “A Gap”

Today’s speakers were Principal Barbara Brish and Teacher Louise Zilka from DMA. They shared a fine brochure, with the front picture of Sts. Genevieve & Maurus School on Jamison St. in Livonia.

This K-8 private school in the Roman Catholic tradition serves children and families with special needs of all kinds, many having emotional problems. Ten students are currently enrolled. DMA has been in existence for five years and receives no funding from the State or from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese.

Their presentation also tugged at our heartstrings, since many of the children have been “expelled” (or suspended, etc.) from public, parochial, or other schools where they cannot fit in.

DMA teaches social skills, as well as providing physical, speech, and emotional support. Each child has an individualized plan, with students entering the school at different times of the year.

DMA has joined St. Valentine’s RC School in Redford Twp. For a weekly chapel. The school is funded through tuition ($15,000/year), though many cannot pay the full freight, and through charitable donations. DMA has student teachers from Madonna University. DMA needs reading volunteers, please call (734) 855-4997 or email

There are no coaches in the school; DMA is “bare bones,” but always with at least three teachers in the building. (See the attached video.) No traditional report cards are issued until 7th & 8th grades, though “brain mapping” and progress reports are given to the student’s parents. A helpful Q&A!

Dave Stechholz



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