Our guest speaker was our District Governor, Russ Jones. DG Russ was accompanied by his wife Barb. We began the meeting With Russ Inducting our newest members, Susan Paluchniak, and corporate member, Thrivent Financial Services, led by Rick Hart. Also attending from Thrivent were Raeann Kusch, John McDowell, and Jordan Blanchard.
It was nice to see Tammy Bonifield's son Tristan in the crowd. We also had Kurt Whitmore, a visitor from the Dearborn Heights Rotary Club.
Russ spoke a bit about what being a Rotarian is all about. Russ spoke of service to others and relayed the Rotary theme “Create Hope in the World.” His message was that nothing happens in Rotary until like-minded Rotarians single out a problem and work together to solve it. DG Russ mentioned a “Rotary Moment” he experienced while helping to bring first-time dental visits to youngsters in Honduras. That was just one of the inspiring stories he shared.
Russ asked our members to consider applying for a leadership role in our District 6400.
He mentioned the District initiating a grant to Help clean up the Rouge River.
Russ told us that his goals were to aid in ending human trafficking and assisting those who work in our community providing mental health for our neighbors.
Often times we can get bogged down in the process and not have a clear vision of what we are attempting to accomplish.
Russ’s genius is his ability to see the clear vision and explain how to get to where we are going. Looking forward to all of us having a great Rotary year together.
Mike Ladwig