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Club Meeting

Our speaker this week was Karl Peters, Director of the Livonia Senior Center.

Karl did a great job bringing to light, all of the many activities and services available to area seniors through the center. Such as; chair yoga, bingo, senior trips ,“meals on wheels”, affordable senior bus transportation, and so much more. Karl informed us that there are over 150 volunteers that make the senior center one of the crown jewels of the city. He also spoke about the Livonia Senior Center Project and the proposed move of the Senior Center to the Livonia Rec Center property.

Following Karl's presentation, the club discussed a two-prong approach for marketing to new members. One is the message we are designing to include on the letter opener Pat Zucal is having printed to distribute in the “new resident” packets the Chamber passes out to our new Livonia residents. We will be able to view this at our Wed. meeting.

We also discussed John Clay’s flyer to be used as an ad piece in the Friday Musing online newsletter that comes out thrice weekly.


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