During our Club Assembly meeting we heard a report from the Chairman of the Giving Committee, Larry Stevens. The giving committee approved 4 grants and placed 4 grant requests on pause awaiting further consideration. The 4 approved
grants were:
Rotary Foundation- Polio Eradication
Livonia Civic Chorus
Livonia Cares
Shelter Box
The Board of Directors further approved the 4 grants the giving committee approved, and they were also approved unanimously by all present at our Club Assembly.
The club asked Pat Zucal to get prices for promotional items to be used in the Chamber of Commerce "new resident" packets. The items are 1) Imprinted post-it notes, 2) Pens 3) Wallet size calendars, or 4) letter openers. The club will review and vote on the one we want to use.
We also discussed a new project for our club, the painting of a living quarter building at the Methodist Children's Home Society. Most who attended the club assembly agreed it was a worthy endeavor. Further discussions will transpire before we can announce dates and times for this project.
The idea of an outside meeting to be held at a venue of interest was discussed. We learned that due to renovations, the Ford Piquette will not be available in the immediate future. We will make inquiries into the availability of meeting at the Roush Automotive Collection Museum here in Livonia.
Club member Susan Landmesser, founder of You Are Loved, honored our club with a plaque expressing her appreciation for our efforts to help make the sleeping bag project a Huge Success!
Our prodigal member, Tim Belanger, closed the meeting by reciting the 4 way test with an Ohio accent.
-Mike Ladwig